General information

We offer attractive topics for student projects in the field of medical imaging
(image processing, image- and model-based data analysis, clinical applications)
and medical biophysics (main focus of our research projects are model-based
data analysis, application of systems theory in medicine, thermal oncology,
radiation biophysics, radiation protection). Projects can be carried out at
the ZHAW School of Engineering or in collaboration with our research partners
(also student exchange projects with international partners).


         Topics BSc Level

         Development and assessment of a in vivo - temperature measurement system
          Application of a model observer for evaluation of low contrast resolution in CT images
          … or more projects in the field of CT- and MRI- imaging


         Topics MSc Level

          Model-based data analysis in thermal oncology (several topics)
          Pharmaco-kinetic modelling of tracers in nuclear medicine (several topics)
          Systems theory in medicine (several topics)